Source code for rom.analysis_definition.analysis_definition

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Parser for analysis definition JSON files.

.. moduleauthor:: Nicholas Long (,

import json
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .epw_file import EpwFile

# {
#   "variables": [
#     {
#       "name": "Month",
#       "data_source": "weather_file"
#     },
#     {
#       "name": "ETSInletTemperature",
#       "data_source": "distribution",
#       "distribution": {
#         "minimum": 15,
#         "maximum": 25,
#         "number_of_samples": 10
#       }
#     },
#     {
#       "name": "DistrictHeatingMassFlowRate",
#       "data_source": "value",
#       "value": 0.5
#     },
#     {
#       "name": "DistrictCoolingMassFlowRate",
#       "data_source": "distribution",
#       "distribution": {
#         "minimum": 0.02,
#         "maximum": 4,
#         "number_of_samples": 10
#       }
#     },
#     {
#       "name": "SomeOtherField",
#       "data_source": "values",
#       "values": [0.5, 0.75, 1.0]
#     },
#   ]
# }

[docs]class AnalysisDefinition: """ Pass in a definition file and a weather file to generate distributions of models """ def __init__(self, definition_file): self.filename = None self.file = None self.analyses = [] self.set_i = None self.weather_data = None self.load_files(definition_file)
[docs] def load_files(self, definition_file): if not os.path.exists(definition_file): raise Exception("File does not exist: %s" % definition_file) self.filename = definition_file self.file = json.load(open(self.filename))
[docs] def load_weather_file(self, weather_file): """ Load in the weather file and convert the field names to what is expected in the JSON file :return: """ if not os.path.exists(weather_file): raise Exception("Weather file does not exist: %s" % weather_file) epw_file = EpwFile(weather_file) self.weather_data = epw_file.as_dataframe() for variable in self.file['variables']: if variable['data_source'] == 'epw': # Rename the weather file fields to the ones defined in the JSON file self.weather_data = self.weather_data.rename( columns={variable['data_source_field']: variable['name']} )
[docs] def as_dataframe(self): """ Return the dataframe with all the data needed to run the analysis defined in the json file. Note that the first field in the analysis definition json file must be a value or an EPW. :return: pandas dataframe """ # Check if there is a epw file field # {dtype('int64'): Index([u'Month', u'Hour', u'DayofWeek', u'SiteOutdoorAirRelativeHumidity'], # dtype='object'), # dtype('float64'): Index([u'SiteOutdoorAirDrybulbTemperature', u'ETSInletTemperature', # u'DistrictHeatingMassFlowRate', u'DistrictCoolingMassFlowRate'], # dtype='object')} use_epw = False for variable in self.file['variables']: if variable['data_source'] == 'epw': use_epw = True break seed_df = None if use_epw: seed_df = self.weather_data # Add in the static variables for variable in self.file['variables']: if variable['data_source'] == 'value': if seed_df is None: seed_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({variable['name']: [variable['value']]}) else: seed_df[variable['name']] = variable['value'] # Now add in the combinitorials for variable in self.file['variables']: if variable['data_source'] == 'distribution': df_to_append = seed_df.copy(deep=True) values = np.linspace( variable['distribution']['minimum'], variable['distribution']['maximum'], variable['distribution']['number_of_samples'] ).tolist() for index, value in enumerate(values): if index == 0: # first time through add the variable to seed_df, no need to append seed_df[variable['name']] = value else: df_to_append[variable['name']] = value seed_df = pd.concat([seed_df, df_to_append]) if variable['data_source'] == 'values': df_to_append = seed_df.copy(deep=True) for index, value in enumerate(variable['values']): if index == 0: # first time through add the variable to seed_df, no need to append seed_df[variable['name']] = value else: df_to_append[variable['name']] = value seed_df = pd.concat([seed_df, df_to_append]) return seed_df